Joining our team means a commitment and belief to uphold the values which are central to everything we do. Our values will never be compromised and are the cornerstones of all our current and future. We measure our team and processes against these values and insist they are always upheld.
Hard Work
We are not afraid, good old-fashioned hard work is an essential cornerstone of our business. When the going gets tough, the tough get going and we pride ourselves on working hard for our success. Integrity. We treat our people, suppliers, partners and the community with fairness, honesty and respect. We are driven by the need to succeed but not at any cost. When presented with a difficult choice, we choose to do the right thing.
We are passionate about the freshness, quality and provenance of our products and want to share this with customers every day. We will continually in invest in our facilities to ensure the highest level of safety and wellbeing is provided for our team. We take no chances when it comes to quality, it matters too much.
Tamar Fresh is a family ran business, but we see the ‘Tamar Fresh Family’ as much wider than the Barrett’s. We are all one big family and treat all as equal. We seek to continually nurture and support in order to give everyone opportunity to be their best. Respect for each other, understanding, encouragement, support and teamwork are what makes us tick – everything we do is for the good of our team – always.
At Tamar Fresh we use humour and fun at every opportunity in order to breathe enjoyment and life into our working day. When we communicate, we are effervescent with personality and freshness – never dry, average, or boring…Just like our produce!
We believe in humble confidence. We exist in order to source the best, from the best for the best. The product, producer and customer are the stars of the show, and we never seek to steal the limelight.
Fanatical Service
Driven by a passion for delivering the very best service to those who depend upon us every day. We set the bar insanely high and then raise it higher still at every opportunity.